
What factors cause intercultural conflict and how can those

Find copies 12 Angry Men (1957), at a public library or video rental store and watch the movie to find examples of answers to the following question:

What factors cause intercultural conflict, and how can those conflicts be addressed meaningfully?

After you have watched the movie, work with your group to find good examples with which to answer the question. Note that the cultural differences in these movies may or may not depend on race or ethnicity.

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation to show what you learned. It should include at least 5 slides, including a title page with group members' names on it.

Each main point should be presented on its own slide with supporting evidence. Include a conclusion slide and a reference slide. Make it fun, but informative, showing depth of thought and critical thinking.

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Dissertation: What factors cause intercultural conflict and how can those
Reference No:- TGS02510073

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