What facets of abi business would most benefit

Assignment task:

Mocker, M., and Fonstad, N. O. "How AUDI AG is Driving Toward the Sharing Economy," MIS Quarterly Executive, 16, no. 4 (2017): 279-293. Assuming that the Audi case was being presented to you today: What facets of ABI's business would most benefit from adoption of machine-learning/analytics. Identify and recommend adoption of 2 solutions for high impact areas. For each of the two recommended solution: a) Clearly outline the solution (data used, potential methodology, and goal).  b) How it would fit with and/or augment ABI's business model.  NOTE: You may recommend a mix of solutions that fit existing need and/or are forward looking

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Other Management: What facets of abi business would most benefit
Reference No:- TGS03381741

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