Select a business that you would like to learn more about which has experienced a recent ethical lapse or dilemma. Research how the corporation's ethical lapse has impacted the business and employees (current and former). Write a paper 5 pages in length that addresses the following for your chosen business:
• Description of the business: brief history and current state
• Provide information on their mission, vision, ethical culture
• How do they display social responsibility?
• What products/services are provided by this business?
• Who are their customers?
• What external and internal trends are likely to impact this business?
• Describe the corporate leadership
• Write a detailed explanation of the event or ethical issue that this company has encountered.
• How is this company doing financially both now and before the ethical lapse?
• What ethical questions are raised by this event or situation that the company finds itself in?
• How might this situation have been handled differently and if so, what do you anticipate the outcome would be? Support your thesis about the anticipated outcome.
• What can a manager today learn from these events?
Use the company's website, a minimum of three (please try to make these less than 8 years old) articles from The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Fortune, Business Week or other similar business publications which discuss this issue. Include a link to the articles with your report and any other information used to explore this company. Cite articles/books used in your research.
Format: APA format | 5 pages in length (not counting cover page and references) | Double-spaced | 12pt. Times New Roman Font | Cite all sources | Include all references.