
What extent does gender affect income gaps in different

Gender pay/wage gap on the workplace


This paper focuses on the persistence of the worldwide gender gap and it implications for a society as a whole. If you have read this thesis you will be able to have an perspective of why there is a gender pay gap? How did it exist? And when will it be extradited? And more. There are many companies that prefer men over woman while hiring someone. Do we do this on purpose, or is it just instinct? There will be many questions and even more answers to this phenomenal international problem.

Since 1970 wage inequity is growing worldwide, yet another measure of inequity, the difference between woman and men's wages, had been declining. Over the past century, American woman have made tremendous strides in increasing their labor market experience and their skills. In 2015 women held for 47% of the labor force and they hold 49.3 percent of jobs( because women are more likely to hold two or more jobs). Yet on average female-full time workers made only 79 cents for every dollar men made, a gender wage gap of 21 percent.

I Introduction To what extent does gender affect income gaps in different types of organizations in India

1a)Research question: .... 1b) Research Topic

II Theoretical Framework
A) Pay gaps within industries
B) Pay gaps in organizations
C) Pay inequity for small business

III Analysis
A) factors that influence Pay gaps within industries
B) factors that influence Pay gaps in organizations
C) factors that influence Pay inequity for small business

IV Conclusion

V References

VI Appendix

1. Management summary
Chapter one Introduction
Chapter two Theoratical framework
Chapter three The Literature Review
Chapter four Analysis
Chapter five Conclusion

Management summary-Chapter five conclusion --> academic writing approximately 18-20 pages
References + appendix can be more around → 5-10pages
total around 25-30 pages
1,-5 spacing
APA - referencing

To what extent does gender affect income gaps in different types of organizations in India

A little indication about what should be writing under each subject

- why it is important Relevance? Practical?
what is the purpose statement?
- what do we know about it.
- what we don't know about it → from here we get the research question.
- Relevance of research question.

Motivate the choice of the topic ( I'm an Indian man)

- Indicate the practical and theoretical relevance
- Formulate your problem statement and research question (RQ) and a set of sub-research questions (SRQ) which follow from the research question.

Theoretical framework

- different kind of theory about the subject, that will be used to anser the research question.
-institutional theory
-separate theory chapters
Literature review
- What is hrm?
- Information about india gender proportion and more
- Introduce to all chapters
- explain the reader

Analysis apply theoretical framework and literature review

Discuss the results of the theoretical findings, answer the questions and write an advice for an organization based on your theoretical findings and the problem statement

Discuss the relevant literature and connect the relevant theories.

Structure the chapters in a way that your thinking can be followed.

-theoretical implications
-Purpose study
-Practical implications
-Future research if possible→ something which isn't research which can be research in the future→ empirical research to do in the future

This is what the teacher is looking at it might help u with working on it. I also have to give a presentation but that I will do later.

1. Problem statement : Questions and qualifications Qualification
Is the problem statement original and challenging?
Is the problem statement clear?
Is clear which research field from Business Administration is applicable?
Is the problem statement appropriate for literature research?

2. Translation of main question into sub-questions Qualification Qualification
Is the theoretical relevance clear?
Is the practical relevance clear?
Has the problem statement been operationalised into sub-research questions and or hypothesis?

3. Description and selection of the relevant literature. Qualification Qualification
Has enough relevant literature been used?
Is the presented literature relevant for the problem statement?
Is there sufficient mastery of the subject-specific terminology?
The theory is correctly applied?

4. Quality of the analysis and the used methodology. Qualification Qualification
Are the results of the literature research properly represented?
Are the conclusions drawn from the results logical and clear?
Are the limitations of the study adequately discussed?
There are important points for further discussion formulated?

5. Conclusion and discussion (one level of abstraction higher than nr 4) Qualification

The partial results are well integrated into the conclusion?
Does the conclusion connect sufficiently to the topic of the thesis?
Are suggestions for further research useful?
Is there a clear summary of the thesis in a language other than that of the thesis?

6. Presentation of the study and structure of the thesis Qualification Qualification
Is the title clear and concise?
The thesis has an appropriate structure (chapter format, appendices)?
Are the literature references displayed with acceptable standards?
Is the thesis written in an understandable way?
Is the text grammatically and textually correct?
Is the layout done according to given guidelines?

7. Oral presentation Qualification Qualification
Is there a lively transfer of knowledge?
Does the presentation contain a clear structure?
Is the core of the story well communicated?
Is there a good contact between the speaker and the audience?

8. Degree of independent work (only to be completed by supervisor) Qualification
Degree of independence in writing a work plan
Degree of independence in finding literature
Degree of autonomy in the design of the written presentation
Degree of autonomy in the design of the oral presentation

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Dissertation: What extent does gender affect income gaps in different
Reference No:- TGS01417525

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