What explores the possibility of non-human intelligence

Assignment task: Arthur Clarke's novel 2001; A Space Odyssey (1968) captures and expands on the vision of Stanley Kubrick's immortal film-and changed the way we look at the stars and ourselves. From the savannas of Africa at the dawn of mankind to the rings of Saturn as man ventures to the outer rim of our solar system.  This allegory about humanity's exploration of the universe-and the universe's reaction to humanity-and follows the crew of the spacecraft Discovery as they embark on a mission to Saturn. Their vessel is controlled by HAL 9000, an artificially intelligent supercomputer capable of the highest level of cognitive functioning that rivals and threatens the human mind.

Compose 4 brief essays about Clarke's 2001; A Space Odyssey.

Review the novel and review the Study Guide.

Your assignment submission should be about 875 words in length. It should contain proper grammar, be free of spelling errors, and reflect critical thinking. This Module and Writing Assignment focus on the role the robot HAL plays in 2001; A Space Odyssey, examining the ethical implications of artificial intelligence.

Use the MLA style

Reread chapters 26-28 in 2001; A Space Odyssey. Answer in brief essays the following questions based on chapters 26-28 and the role played by the robot/computer HAL in the novel.

Please answer the following 4 questions in brief essay form.

Question 1: 2001 presents a complex view of technology. On one hand, as a science fiction work, it enthusiastically explores the possibility of new technologies, robots, and artificial intelligence. On the other hand, it seems to criticize unchecked technological innovation. Discuss.

Question 2: Discuss the role of those who planned the mission and their culpability in the failure of Hal. Does HAL possess human emotions? Provide examples.  Does HAL develop self-consciousness? Explain and provide examples.

Question 3: Explain the following quote:

"Even now, he could not fully accept the idea that Frank had been deliberately killed-it was so utterly irrational. It was beyond all reason that Hal, who had performed flawlessly for so long, should suddenly turn assassin." Ch. 28

Question 4: Discuss the ways in which 2001 explores the possibility of non-human intelligence.

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