Applied Assignment: Alone Together in a Peekaboo World
Choose ONE of the following Topic Options (3 pages Times New Roman 12 pt font, double spaced with additional source page)
Option One: Alone Together.
A. Complete the Online Reading Turkle's: Growing up Tethered, and listen to the following video clips of Sherry Turkle's Ted Talk: (Links to an external site.)
B. Answer the following questions prompts in the first part of your paper and complete the related field exercise:
1. What experiences does Turkle claim that people avoid when they say "texting will do"? What do you think about this?
2. Turkle also discusses changes in one's ability to experience solitude. What are her specific concerns and what do you think?
3. Turkle suggests that certain types of technological companionship may replace real relationships. What were some of her examples?
4. What was most interesting about the chapter and video clip to you?
Field Exercise (for Option One):
Observe people within the context of Turkle's analysis and include the following in your paper:
Based on your observations, when and where do people seem most likely to use technology to connect? Are there contextual or generational differences? When and for how long do you feel comfortable being disconnected from your communicative device? Do YOU remember life without it?
Option Two: A Peek-a Boo World?
A. Complete Text Reading: Chapter 14 Postman's Peek-a Boo world and listen to the Ted talk by Ethan Zuckerman on Global Voices.
B. Answer the following questions prompts in the first part of your paper and complete the related field exercise:
1. What does Postman mean about Telegraphy introducing "context-free" information? Has this increased or decreased, (and how), since he wrote this in the mid 1980's?
2. How does Postman differentiate photography and media information from other types of information and what is his concern? Do you think any of his concerns are founded? What information did Zuckerman portray that was in contrast to Postman's view?
3. What changes in the way context free information is distributed today are relevant regarding Postman's critique? Do you think he would change his views today? Why or why not?
4. What was most interesting about the reading and video clip to you?
Field Exercise: (for Option Two)
Observe the topic of people's conversations when a major event occurs outside their own direct or indirect life and experience. What does the conversation entail? Which outside major events are the ones that end up being discussed?
What outside events are ignored? At the conclusion of these conversations, does the event seem to initiate any marked change or action? What purpose does the discussion seem to have for others and for yourself?