
What experience do you have with hospice care


Everyone should listen to "What happens when the doctor says "hospice" and you understand "poor house"?" Podcast (Public Radio International 5/29/14) to learn about a current intercultural healthcare issue. I want you to think about healthcare issues in the US and what roles that language plays in this issue. You might think about the controversies surrounding healthcare, and how others-outside of the insurance system-view it. Using this podcast as an example of the intercultural issues encased in healthcare communication, you need to answer the following questions:

A. What experience do you have with hospice care?

B. What kinds of cultural values are represented through health care options in the US?

C. What kinds of cultural values are represented in the rejection of "hospice" as an option for healthcare among Spanish-speaking peoples? Without making a value judgment, how would you explain their confusion?

D. If you were Hispanic (and had typical Hispanic cultural traits), would you send a relative to hospice? Why or why not?

E. What consequences (intended or unintended) do you see for people from countries that view hospice care in a negative fashion? What in your cultural values makes you say that?

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