
What exactly is the message of the good news what in light


Basing your response directly upon the assigned textbook reading for this unit, write and submit a detailed essay (1300 to 1500 words) in response to ONE of the following essay questions:

A. What exactly, is the message of the "Good News"? What, in light of the time of Jesus within the Roman Empire, made this message so revolutionary, as conveyed by the early Christians? To what extent is an understanding of its meaning significant for understanding world history since the life and death of Jesus Christ?

B. Broadly speaking, how do Catholic and Protestant Christianity differ? Why was the Roman Church seen by the protesting reformers as in need of reform? How do sola scriptura and sola fides characterize Protestantism, and differentiate it from Catholicism? Do you think that what Molloy refers to as the "Protestant Principle" is still relevant today (even if it is not a specifically religious principle)? Why or why not?

Here are the chapters from the books from which you must derive that information:

1. Christianity by Molloy
2. Christianity by Van Voorst

References to be used in this post:
Molloy, M. (2012). Experiencing the World's Religions: Tradition, Challenge, and Change (6th ed.) McGraw-Hill Education.
Van Voorst, R. E. (2015). Anthology of world scriptures, 9th edition. Cengage Learning

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