
What exactly is the health-related behavior you want to


What is the HBCP Assignment in MBMH?

In the HBCP assignment you choose a health-related behavior you would like to change, develop and implement a plan carrying it out, and reflect on what you learned.

• You will not be graded on whether or not you actually achieve this behavior change.

• This assignment will be based on your demonstrated interest in learning from the experience of planning, researching, and implementing your chosen behavior change.

• Go to the Blackboard to check deadlines, get outlines, and post your work

Your HBCP will be completed in three stages:

Stage 1 - Research and proposal development
Stage 2 - Implementation
Stage 3 - Final Reflection Paper

Research and Proposal Development (Stage 1)

• Research and develop a HBCP Description DraftPaper that explains what you intend to do, and why
• You will post your draft on Blackboard
• Your TA will get back to you with any suggestions for necessary changes (you will need to check Blackboard for these comments)
• Your description draft must be at least 350 words

Implementation (Stage 2)

• You will carry out your HBCP for three weeks
• HBCP Start Date: check Blackboard
• HBCP End Date: check Blackboard
• There will be a one-time, online discussion forum check-in during the implementation stage of your HBCP.
• During the implementation phase you will take notes on your progress and your experience in general. At minimum these notes should include:

a) a daily reflection on how you did that particular day
b) any adaptations you make in your chosen strategies and
c) the supports and barriers you encounter

HBCP Research and Development Guidelines (Stage 1)

In this stage you will research and plan your HBCP, and write your HBCP Proposal Draft Paper. This paper will describe in details the health behavior change project you would like to be embarking on, why you choose it, and its potential for impacting your health and wellness from a holistic perspective (five dimensions of health and wellness).

Your HBCP description draft must be at least 350 words.
You must include your answer to each one of the below questions:

1) What exactly is the health-related behavior you want to change?

2) Why did you choose this behavior?

3) How is this behavior related to each one of the five dimensions of health and wellness? (see 5 Dimensions of Health and Wellness document on Blackboard)

4) What do you hope to learn or achieve, and why?

5) Have you tried to change this behavior or a similar health behavior in the past?

If yes, what was the result?

Your HBCP Proposal Paper must also present research on a minimum of fourresources which provide accurate, and helpful information to you about your chosen behavioral change

We want to know that your behavior change project is grounded in studies that support your goals (why you are proposing your HBCP) and the approaches you choose (how you will be doing your project).

1) Summarize what these four resources have to say, that is relevant to your proposed HBCP (write 1 or 2 paragraphs)

2) Include the following information for each one of these resources at the end of your paper (this information does not contribute towards the required word count):

- Name of author, writer or producer of video
- Source: Internet address/website, etc.
- You don't need to use MLA or APA formatting. You may simply number each one of your references, and provide the above information for each.

You proposal must also provide a detailed plan/schedule for what you will do on a daily/weekly, etc.(as applicable) basis including:

1) How you will determine your degree of progress (think about what you learned in your research)?

2) How will you record your progress? For ex., will you keep a journal? write notes in a planner? keep some type of calendar?.

Important: you will be required to include these notes in your final reflection paper.

3) What barriers (both internal and external to you) do you envision encountering, and what strategies will you use to overcome these? (be specific...)

4) What supports will you have and how will you incorporate these? (be specific - list people, resources, etc. )

Some Guidelines to Consider:

1) All proposed dietary changes must be based on either the USDA MyPlate guidelines, or the Harvard Healthy Eating Plate guidelines for balanced meals.

• To make any change in your dietary pattern you must consult and include a reference to either the USDA "MyPlate" orThe "Harvard Healthy Eating Plate"

• This means that you need to include an explanation, which demonstrates that your proposed change is aligned with the guidance found on one of these sites(portion size for a person of your stature, age, etc.)

• An explanation must be provided as to what exactly your dietary change will look like, and these details must be grounded in one of the above sites (portion size for a person of your stature, age, etc.)

2) "Drinking more water" is not a valid HBCP, and will not be accepted.

3) If you are currently playing a sport as a student athlete, you will need to choose a non-exercise related HBCP.

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Dissertation: What exactly is the health-related behavior you want to
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