
What exactly is going to happen in three thousand years why

Question: All essays are required to incorporate a minimum of 5 vocabulary terms in the body of the text. Vocabulary terms must be underlined or they will receive no credit! Also please answer the question I asked about this film.

A two page, typed reaction paper will be due following class discussion of the film. Late papers are not accepted, no exceptions!!!!! All papers must use 12pt font with a one-inch margin. There must be TWO FULL PAGES, or the paper will be marked down! The papers must be typed, double-spaced, free of grammatical errors. Please do not use cover sheets! Papers are graded heavily on format, so please observe them! Please use the following format for your papers.

Essay Prompts Arrival:

1) With all the Internet technology saturating Earth, why don't the Heptapods buy smart phones and use Google decryption software to communicate with us? A lot of human culture has concepts like past, present, and future, they could pick up on our relationship with time with not so great effort on their part.

2) Why do they look like squids? No offense, but are we to imagine them living underwater? Do they want to come and inhabit our oceans? Does that explain why they want our help?

3) Why do they send two emissaries rather than a team? Do Abbot and Costello have genders that match their names? What if they're both female?

4) What exactly is going to happen in three thousand years? Why are they confident that we could help them? Do we have the option of declining their invitation to help? What happens if we say "No?"

5) How do flash forwards function in the film? Why don't we ever see Louise's mother helping her take care of Hannah?

6) In the first timeline visualized in the flash forward, Ian abandons his family after being told about Hannah's cancer, why would he do such a terrible thing? Is it better that Louise keeps that information from him the second time around? Doesn't he have the right to know and make an informed consent?

7) If you were put in charge of the first contact committee, what type of team would you assemble? Would you include yourself? What about me?

8) Where do the Heptapods come from? The initial assumption is that they come from our universe, but that's not entirely clear; what if they come from another Universe with different physical laws? How might the concept of a multi-verse help explain their unique relationship to time?

9) What do you think might actually happen if a first contact scenario such as that outlined in the film happened tomorrow? What would be the response of the Trump administration?

10) In all the excitement and confusion about first contact with an alien species, who cares if Louise has a baby? Not to be too cruel about it, but that story seems wedged into a significantly larger issue like a distraction.

Questions for Gattaca:

1) How far are we away from the future the "not-too-distant-future" outlined in Gattaca?

2) What's wrong with Vincent? Why does he want so badly to become an astronaut?

3) Who is Anton? Why did Vincent's parents genetically engineer their second son?

4) What exactly is a "Faith Child," and why are they considered abnormal in the future outlined by Gattaca?

5) What is a "Degenerate" in the future outlined by Gattaca?

6) What is "Genoism," and how does it relate to "Degenerates?"

7) Who is Gerome Morrow, and what's his problem? Why did he step out in front of the automobile and attempt suicide?

8) Would you genetically engineer your child? What would happen if you didn't genetically engineer your child? Could your child compete in a world filled with genetically engineered children?

9) What moral, religious, or ethical reasons might keep you from genetically engineering your child? What elements might dissuade you from following your moral guidelines?

10) What traits would you "gift" your child with? Make a top ten lists of physical and mental attributes you would engineer into your child.

11) What exactly is genetic engineering? Where can you find genetic engineering in use today?

12) What is stem cell research? Why is it so controversial?

13) Why shouldn't we clone a human being? Why should we clone human beings?

Questions for Paranormal Activity:

1) In P1, what exactly does the demon want from Katie? Does it ultimately get what it wants?

2) Why is Micah such a big jerk in Paranormal Activity? Why doesn't Katie just leave him for a better choice in boyfriends?

3) Why does Katie allow Micah to film her in the bathroom when it's clear that the demon lives in the attic? Why doesn't Micah put the cameral in the attic after discovering that's where the demon lives?

4) Why don't Katie and Micah just leave their home after the demon starts bothering them? I know the psychic said that it wouldn't do any good, but he also states that he's not an expert on demons. Shouldn't they at least check out into a hotel and see if it confuses the demon?

5) What does the demon communicate through the Ouija board? Is fire itself a form of communication?

6) Who edits the many hours of video footage that Micah shoots, and then puts it back together to form the film itself?

7) For crying out loud, why don't they call the police? Or the FBI or CIA? I assume that either one of those agencies would love to investigate the presence of a demon on U.S. soil!

Questions for Paranormal Activity 3:

1) What does the demon want with Kristi? Does he ultimately get what he wants?

2) Who is Dennis, and what does he do for a living, and why is that important? Why isn't he married to Julie, after all, he does film weddings for a living?

3) Who is Toby, and why does he like to play tricks on Julie, Dennis, and Katie?

4) Why does he bite Randi after he plays Bloody Mary in the bathroom with Katie?

5) Where is Katie's and Kristi's biological father? Why doesn't he ever even call his two daughters?

6) Who is Grandma Lois, and why does she want her daughter to have a son?

7) Why does Grandma Lois allow Toby to kill her daughter and marry her granddaughter?

8) Why does Toby stalk the babysitter? Why does he put on the sheet? Why is he only about three feet tall after Kristi describes him as being "very tall?"

9) How come Katie can't remember any of this happening in her childhood in the first Paranormal Acitvity?

Questions for The Ring:

1) The first line in The Ring is "I hate television," what does this mean in context of the film itself, and horror in general?

2) Who is Samara, and why does she kill people?

3) What is the function of sex in The Ring?

4) How doe drugs and alcohol function in The Ring?

5) Why does Samara wait seven days until she kills her victim? What is the significance of seven?

6) How does parenting function in The Ring?

7) What kind of person is Noah? Why does Noah refuse to be a Father to Aiden? What are the consequences?

8) What kind of person is Rachel? What kind of mother is she?

9) How do horses function in The Ring?

10) Why does Samara's mother Anna kill her and dump her in the well?

11) Who is Samara's real father, and why is that so important?

12) Why set The Ring in Seattle Washington, what are the advantages of the Pacific Northwest?

13) How does the television set function in The Ring?

14) What is the function of television?

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Dissertation: What exactly is going to happen in three thousand years why
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