
What evidence the authors used to make that point


Engineering Economist (September 1991 - October 2011) are freely accessible if you follow the steps below:

(1) Go to https://lib.nmsu.edu/index.shtml
(2) Press "Articles, Books, Journals etc." on the upper-left corner of screen
(3) Press "Electronic Journals and Databases" on the bottom of screen
(4) Type "engineering economist" in the search box and press "search" button
(5) Press "Business Insights: Essentials" or other options
(6) Optionally, type your NMSU username and password
(7) Press "Select an Issue from the Archive" or "Search for Articles"

You may also want to go with other journals such as Interfaces, Computers & Industrial Engineering, IIE Transactions, International Journal of Industrial Engineering, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, International Journal of Production Research, Journal of Intelligent
Manufacturing, Expert Systems with Applications, Computers & Operations Research, European Journal of Operational Research, etc. However, conference proceedings, magazines, and technical reports are not recommended as source mterials. Note that NMSU library database would be a good place to search these resources for your reference. You may be required to register to request journal articles through NMSU Interlibrary loan at



One of the project goals is for students to demonstrate that he/she can clearly explain what the authors' main point is and what evidence the authors used to make that point.

The project report should be prepared on a word processor. Be concise in your writing and consult technical writing references as needed. The body of each project report should include two sections outlined as follows:

•Summary of the article main points including problem statement and problem issues.

•Your opinion of the article including the most important information you learned. Don't just copy excerpts from the article. Use your own words, except for short quotations if necessary. While writing this section, you have to answer the following questions: What

Engineering Operations Research

Summer 2014 page2 of 3 is the goal of the article? What research has been done? How was it presented in the article? Did the results support the main idea of the article? Was the argument convincing, or did more work need to be done? Who is the intended audience and how could the results of this article be used for them?

Your report will be formatted with the following traits:
• The title page should include the title of the project, student name, course title, and the date.
• There is no page limit but the article summary should be 2-3 pages long (excluding figures and tables), single-spaced throughout
• Use a standard font (Times New Roman 12).
• Use 1 inch margins for top, bottom, left, and right.
• Use proper punctuation, spelling, and grammar.
• All pages (with the exception of the title page) should be numbered.

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Microeconomics: What evidence the authors used to make that point
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