What evidence has the author used


Using research in an online database, locate a scholarly article about controversies over freedom of speech and internet postings Analyze the scholarly article. Identify the thesis statement. What are the author's qualifications? What audience is the author addressing? Who is the article for? What is the article about? Read the abstract, or the first few paragraphs of the article. Summarize what the writer is conveying. What sources does the author use? Determine the purpose, structure, and direction of the article. You should be able to find the author's statement of purpose, or thesis statement, before the end of the introduction. You should also be able to tell what evidence the author is going to use to support the position she or he has taken. The author may also explain what limits have been placed on the article: for example, the length of time or period, the geographic location, the extent of the information that's going to be used, and the theories that are going to be applied. You should also be able to tell the author's point of view. What evidence has the author used? What are the central arguments? Identify the central counter arguments. Critique and evaluate the article. Did you think the author did a thorough job of communicating the thesis and key points?

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