
What evidence did you observe in ms wesslings video that

Gradual Release of Responsibility

After viewing the video Improving Practice with Sarah Brown Wessling Embedded Formative Assessments and after reading Releasing responsibility by Fisher and Frey, discuss the following:

Hawker Brownlow Education. (2012, April 1). Embedded formative assessment - Dylan Wiliam [Video File].

Fisher D. & Frey, N. (2008). Releasing responsibility. Educational Leadership, 66(3), 32-37. Retrieved from Ebscohost database.

Teaching Channel. (2011). Improving practice with Sarah Brown Wessling [Video File].

Part 1

Sarah Brown Wessling remarks; "It is not about ways of delivering content as much as it is about ways of getting students to become thinkers; ways for students to be more autonomous."

· What evidence did you observe in Ms Wessling's video that her students were becoming thinkers?

· How is this an example of the teacher assessing FOR learning?

Part 2

In Dylan William's video on embedded formative assessments, he mentions five strategies for teachers to meet students' learning needs more effectively.

· Describe what you observed from Ms. Wessling's video that represents each of these strategies.

· Were there any that you did not observe?

· What evidence was there of Ms. Wessling's students examining their own thinking?

· What evidence did you find to suggest she designed her instruction to meet instructional learning objectives in several areas of development (Think Bloom's)?

· What did you see from her video that you'd like to try (remember best practices are transferable across grade and age levels)?

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Dissertation: What evidence did you observe in ms wesslings video that
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