
What evidecne would you give to prove that while you were

1. What evidecne would you give to prove that while you were sleeping, a hpysical reality ouside you persisted?

2. Explain why Hume concludes that there's no rational justifictaion for saying that anything has a continued and independent existence outside us.

3. Describe what yyou consider to be the fundemental epsitemological differences between Hume and Berkely.

4. Justify the assertion that HUme pushed Locke's epiricism to its logical conclusion.

5.  Do you see any way of showing that Barry STroud is wrong when he says that we are liek "someone waking up to find himself locked in a room full of television sets and trying to find out what is going on in teh world outside"?  Do you think there is any wya of finding out what is "going on in the world outisde" your mind?

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Other Subject: What evidecne would you give to prove that while you were
Reference No:- TGS0786446

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