Separate all the answers, after all questions are answered, starting writing the essay.(3 pages)Read and take notes on the documents. For each document write two or three sentences that outline how the represent Enlightenment ideals. Then answer the following: (highlight the answer for this part)
a. How are the documents connected to one another? What major themes emerge?
b. What events, from colonial America and the American Revolution, can be connected to the documents? How?
Write two or three sentences explaining how each source either informed or directly represents the goals of American revolutionaries. (highlight the answer for this part)
Connect these events to the documents.:
Stamp Act and Stamp Act Crisis
Townshend Duties
Boston Massacre
Continental Congress
Common Sense
The Declaration of Independence
Using all this prep: Write a thesis that explains the relationship between the Enlightenment and the American Revolution. (highlight the thesis statement)
Reflection: Along with your thesis, reflect on the process for analyzing primary sources, what you've learned about the American Revolution in this module and the problems you experienced with this module. (3 pages)
Attachment:- Unit-3.rar