Assignment task:
Chapter - Civil War
Question 1: Which event caused South Carolina to secede from the United States?
Question 2: Why did Lincoln refuse to fire the first shots at Fort Sumter?
Question 3: Border states were unique in the Civil War because...
Question 4: The overall Union Strategy during the Civil War was...
Question 5: Why is the Battle of Gettysburg considered a turning point in the Civil War?
Question 6: What is an example of Sherman's "Total War?"
Question 7: What document freed enslaved persons (slaves) in rebelling states?
Question 8: What was the goal of the Emancipation Proclamation?
Question 9: What did Lincoln claim gave him the authority to free the slaves in the Confederacy?
Question 10: When did he make the Emancipation Proclamation (after what event)?
Question 11: What happened after the Emancipation Proclamation? What was the direct result of the action?