
What evaluation method has been used at your workplace or

Unit 11 - Evaluating Staff, Coaching, Disciplining and Terminating Staff

Reading Assignment: Chapter 18 & 19 in Sullivan

Assignment 1: What evaluation method has been used at your workplace or clinical site?

Number of patients per a day, less x-ray repeated,

Assignment 2: What component of your job or clinical placement is evaluated? Are they the appropriate ones?

Assignment 3: What types of assessment methods have been used to evaluate you? Were they the best ones to evaluate your performance? What would you suggest?

Assignment 4: Have you ever been coached, confronted, or disciplined in your workplace or clinical site? How well did the intervener handle the situation? How well did you handle the situation? Have you ever had to coach, confront or discipline someone? How did the person respond? How well did you do? What did you learn?

Assignment 5 You are a health care manager and you must terminate a staff member. How would you prepare yourself for the termination?

Assignment 6 - Discussion Board Please read the New York Times article "Prepping for Your Annual Review" by Eilene Zimmerman, December 17, 2011.

Unit 12 - Managing Absenteeism, Reducing Turnover, Retaining Staff & Dealing with Disruptive Staff Problems

Reading Assignment: Chapter 20 & 21 in Sulliva

Assignment 1: Can you recall instances where an employee's leaving has benefited the organization? Describe what happened.

Assignment 2: Have you voluntarily left a job? What was the reason? Was there more than one reason? What reason did you give your supervisor?

Yes, to continue my study in the U.S
He refused at the first, but he agreed when he knew I would get bachelor degree.

Assignment 3: What suggestions to improve retention and reduce voluntary turnover would you recommend to administration of the organization where you work or have clinical experiences?
Give examples of ways to reduce voluntary turnover.

Assignment 4: Are you familiar with the signs and symptoms of substance abuse? Have you seen someone exhibit these characteristics? What signs or symptoms did they exhibit? What happened?

Assignment 5: Have you ever experienced bullying or seen others bullied? How did you or they handle it?

Yes, while working in x-ray department. Patients want to be seen first, and the ER system tells urgent first.

Assignment 6: Please read the New York Times article "Fear in the Workplace: The Bullying Boss" by Benedict Carey, June 24, 2004.

Assignment 7: Please read the New York Times article "Business; Running a Hospital like a Factory, in a Good Way" by Andrea Gabor, February 22, 2004.

Assignment 8: Please read the New York Times article "New York Jails Pose Biggest Test for Health Firm with Mixed Past" by Eric Lipton, September 25, 2000.

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