Task: Develop a code of ethics and social responsibility for a new college or university in regard to its foreign students. Your ethics code should cover the following areas - recruiting, degree completion times, scholarship availability, work study issues, language, culture, on-site versus off site instruction and any other issues you feel are important. Your code of ethics should be 2 or more pages.
After you have developed your code of ethics, respond to the following questions: [ In responding to each of the questions... write the question and then the response.]
Q1. What ethical issues do you see in cross border education?
Q2. In what ways is a university that is involved in international education different than an MNC that is involved in international business?
Q3. In what ways is a university that is involved in international education similar to an MNC that is involved in international business?
Q4. How would you change a university to make it more socially responsible?