
What ethical issues arise in managerial decision making


Final Project

The Final Project is designed to assess student learning on specific course-related goals. It is also designed to assess whether students are able to apply knowledge and skills gained from study in the course, as evidenced in the assigned paper. There are two phases to the final project: the issues/bibliography paper and the case study/final memorandum.

Phase I: Issues/Bibliography Paper

The Issues/Bibliography paper is merely a preliminary step for the Case Study/Final Memorandum to help students accurately identified three (3) specific ethical issues and have at least three (3) substantive, academic resources; to be used in your final memorandum. Please submit the Issues/Bibliography paper to the assignment folder.

Requirements for Issues/Bibliography Paper

•Ethical Issues. a statement and brief explanation of three (3) specific ethical issues related to the case study/final memorandum. This statement is a brief sentence statement of each ethical issue with a brief explanation for each issue explaining why it is an ethical issue in the scenario;

•Bibliography of Resources. a bibliography (reference) listing (APA format) a minimum of three outside resources, based on your research, to be used in the case study/final memorandum. In addition to these three (3) resources gleaned from your research, you may also use any

Phase II: Case Study/Final Memorandum

The case study/final memorandum culminates in a complex memorandum to an executive officer of a company. The case study/final memorandum focuses on developing, sharpening and applying critical thinking skills, in the context of recognizing, evaluating, and proposing a resolution for ethical issues that arise in managerial decision making.

Write the analysis in business memo format, addressed to Board of Directors for the company. Make the memorandum from you, acting as hired consultant for the company.

The case study to be analyzed, The Plumpy'nut Controversy, is retrievable in the Course Content link.

By completing this assignment, students will meet the outcome(s):

identify ethical issues that arise in domestic and global business environments using an understanding of ethical concepts and of legal and business principles;

develop and evaluate alternatives to, and recommend solutions for, ethical dilemmas, taking into account ethical and legal requirements and the essential mission of the business enterprise

effectively communicate to internal and external business stakeholders the complexities of ethical issues, suggesting and analyzing various solutions in order to ensure appropriate business practices and accountability

Requirements of Case Study/Final Memorandum:

•View Video: Nutrition for Niger - Plumpy'nut - 10:58 mins

60 Minutes segment by Anderson Cooper

•Read article: The Purpose of Patents https://www.innovation.org/documents/File/Pharmaceutical_Patents.pdf

•Draft memo using the format (subheadings/sections) prescribed below;

•All sections must be comprehensive, in-depth and fully justified;

•Resources from previously assigned course materials or from your own research may be used to justify and support rationale;

•All in-text citations and resources must be in APA style;

INTRODUCTION: Brief 1-paragraph intro to subject of memo.

FACTS SUMMARY: Summarize and explain the facts that are directly significant and relevant to the ethical dilemma in this case.

Write at least 1 paragraph, or you may use an introductory sentence to be followed by a list of relevant facts with bullets.
ETHICAL DILEMMA: Briefly discuss in 1 paragraph, the either/or ethical dilemma facing the company. Please refer to "Facts vs. Ethical

Dilemma........" in the TOOLBOX for explanation, examples of dilemmas.

ETHICAL ISSUES: Explain three (3) of the most significant ethical issues related to, and arising from, the ethical dilemma and then, explain each ethical issue and why it is an ethical/moral issue, etc.

For each ethical issue that you identify your discussion will:

•present the relevant, associated facts;

•specifically "name" the ethical issue;

•evaluate why the issue is an ethical issue - discuss how managers' fiduciary duties, effects on all corporate stakeholders, etc., define the ethical issue, and direct resolution of the issue.

ALTERNATIVES: List, explain and justify 1 possible alternative/solution to address and resolve the ethical dilemma and EACH ethical issue discussed above. Each alternative should be comprehensive so that it addresses the related ethical issue.

Alternatives should be feasible, logical, directly related to resolving the ethical dilemma and addressing the ethical issues in the case.

Alternatives are expressed in the form of propositions or prescriptive statements suggesting action and are framed by asking the normative question, what could or should the company do? Consider consequences. Identify relevant stakeholders, and the effects on each group, pros and cons, etc. of each alternative. Apply ethical theories in context of your evaluations, but don't over-do this aspect. For example, teleological or consequentialist theorists would examine who the stakeholders are, both internal and external to the company, and the positive and negative consequences for each stakeholder group, etc.

RECOMMENDATION: Recommend 1 (and only 1) alternative from the three (3) alternatives suggested above. Justify and explain your choice discussing:

• why you chose this alternative;

• how, specifically, the recommendation will address the ethical dilemma and ethical issues;

• how the recommendation will likely impact each relevant stakeholder group;

• pros and cons of your recommendation;

• feasibility of your recommendation;

• how the recommendation may be implemented;

• Apply ethical theories, resources from previously assigned course materials, or resources from your own research to justify and support your recommendation. All in-text citations must be in APA style.
FUTURE IMPLICATIONS for RECOMMENDATION: Discuss potential implications arising from your recommendation for:

• the company

• other businesses within the industry

• other industries

CONCLUSION: Summarize the case and its ethical issues, implications, etc.

Attachment:- Statement of the Plumpynut Controversy.rar

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Other Management: What ethical issues arise in managerial decision making
Reference No:- TGS01877424

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