
What ethical attitudes or virtues are implicated by

1. Schopenhauer observes that everyone, in times of misfortune, can look around and find others in even greater misfortune; what point does Schopenhauer make from the fact that everyone can do this?

2. What ethical attitudes or virtues are implicated by Schopenhauer's conclusion that the most appropriate form of address between man and man is not "monsieur, sir" but "fellow sufferer, compagnon de misères"?

3. What are Schopenhauer's two replies to the goal of happiness "in such a world" as this?



4. What is "the only cogent" moral argument against suicide, and what is Schopenhaur's response to it?  (Include a brief explanation of his response once you have stated it).

5. What makes the happy prince the happy prince? (In your answer contrast what made the prince "happy" when he was alive with what makes the prince happy as a statue).

6. Write an essay in which you review the course material. The essay must consist of an introduction, conclusion, and at least five body paragraphs, with each body paragraph containing a different quotation or reference, e.g., (Schopenhauer, p. 87), to support or illustrate your work. Your aim is to offer a thoughtful and critical analysis of questions, themes, lines of reasoning, and conclusions. You need not discuss every reading, but you must discuss one reading from each unit of the course. You may draw on your previous work for the course.

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