Assignment Problem: "Hotspotting is a unique descriptive approach that researchers and health systems are using to identify geographic clusters of the neediest patients-those with comorbid conditions with poorly coordinated care, who often account for a disproportionate amount of medical services and costs" (Nash, et. Al, 2021). Hotspots can deal with infectious disease, injury, or chronic illness in addition to a lack of resources. Not surprisingly, lack of resources and disease are often found in the same geographic locale.
Identify an example of hot-spotting of one of the Healthy People 2020/2030 Topics/Objectives (e.g., infectious disease, substance abuse, dementia) in your community or state.
Answer the following questions:
Q1. What epidemiological information was used to identify this area as a hotspot?
Q2. What, if anything, is being done on a population health level to address this hotspot?
Q3. If nothing is being done, what could or should be done, and why?
Please provide source