
What emotional response did you have to each narrative in


Read the following three narratives and answer the questions about them in 'Assignments.'

1. When More Than the Aroma Beckons By LIZA MONROYJAN.

2. Eat, Memory: Orange Crush By YIYUN LI.

3. So He Looked Like Dad. It Was Just Dinner, Right? By ABBY SHER.

1-After reading the three narratives in "Required Resources," please answer the following three questions. Type them in a Microsoft Word document, save it, and upload it by clicking on "Week 3 Assignment - Three Narratives" above and following the directions. Do not use "Text Submission - Write Submission." Browse and upload your saved Microsoft Word document. Also, be sure to follow the formatting directions that are in "Course Information."

1. Which of the three do you feel is the most interesting narrative? Why do you feel that way?

2. What emotional response did you have to each narrative? In other words, what feelings did the story bring up in you?

3. Which do you feel contained the most vivid description? Mention where you think the most descriptive section is and explain why you feel it's so descriptive.

2- Write a 250-word post for these questions.

This discussion will be channeling the themes that are in one of this week's readings, "Orange Crush." Was there ever something that you desperately coveted when you were young?

What about it was so appealing to you?

Did you eventually get this object, and, if so, did it live up to its expectations?

After receiving it, did your perspective on it change?

As an adult, what do you think about your youthful obsession with this object?

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