What else would you need to know to make accurate diagnosis

Discussion Question: Alcohol Abuse or Dependence?

Consider a woman who gets intoxicated on alcohol three or four times a year and each time fights with someone and destroys property, either hers or somebody else's. Provide a 500 word or more response on the following:

• Would you diagnose her with a substance use disorder? Why or why not?

• Would you think differently regarding your diagnosis if she were 16 years old vs. 28 years old or 58 years old?

• What else would you need to know to make an accurate diagnosis?

• What assessment methods should be used to make an accurate diagnosis? Support your viewpoint by using at least two examples.

• As appropriate, cite the online course, the textbook, and other credible, scholarly sources to substantiate the points you are making.

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: What else would you need to know to make accurate diagnosis
Reference No:- TGS02074726

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