
What elements of this account do you find literary or

Questions Worksheet

Answers must be at least 150 words in length, and grounded with the citing/referencing of at least one relevant and credible source according to 400-level APA standards (see Writing & Style Guidelines in the eCampus Center for Writing Excellence for assistance).

1. Hesiod's Theogony explains where the gods came from and how the earth was created. What elements of this account do you find literary or artistic, rather than just religious? Provide examples to support your response.

2. The Iliad and the Theogony are set in the same mythical environment. How do Homer's representations of the Greek gods differ from Hesiod's? What does this tell you about the Greeks? Provide examples from these works to support your response.

3. The selections from Paul and Luke in the New Testament were written in response to the Old Testament canon that includes Genesis and long after. How do these more recent writings of Paul and Luke differ as works of literature. Do they have different points of view? Different styles, and so forth? Provide examples from these works to support your response.

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Other Subject: What elements of this account do you find literary or
Reference No:- TGS02542833

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