A preschool teacher consults with the school director about a new student, Tiffany. Ms. Leigh tells the director that Tiffany has temper tantrums and gets out of control in the classroom. The director states that she will convene a team consisting of herself, Ms. Leigh, the behavior specialist, and the school counselor. Ms. Leigh agrees to write a definition of the target behavior for the team to review. She gets back to her classroom and finds it much more difficult to specifically say what Tiffany does. She is puzzled about how difficult it is. She has seen these temper tantrums every day twice a day for the past two weeks! Why can't she write about it? She provides the following definition to the team the next day: Tiffany engages in temper tantrums during transition time prior to large group activities. She is not aggressive toward other children, only adults in the classroom.
What elements of an operational definition are not included in Ms. Leigh's definition?