
What elements might you be tempted to change especially for

Imagine that you are adapting an Austen novel for stage or film. What elements might you be tempted to change especially for a modern audience that should not be tampered with if the integrity of the work is to be preserved? These elements could be scenes, characters, dialogue or something else. Explain why they are so crucial to the novel. How does what can and cannot be changed shed light on Austen's popularity and influence?

Essay Format

1. The essay must be written in English.

2. The essay must be 6-8 pages in length, not including the Works Cited page.

3. The title of the essay should appear at the top of page one; further pages should be numbered on the top right; the student's name must not appear on the essay.

4. The essay must be in MLA format (double-spaced and in 12 point type throughout, with one-inch margins on all sides of each page).

5. The essay must use MLA documentation, including a Works Cited page and parenthetical citations. Use end notes only for substantive notes. Note that source material which is directly quoted as well as that which is paraphrased or summarized must be cited. Note also that quotations from the Jane Austen work under discussion should be cited.

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Dissertation: What elements might you be tempted to change especially for
Reference No:- TGS02291402

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