
What elements do you use to symbolize your life experiences

Assignment task:

Give examples regarding getting an Islamic degree, investing in real estate, traveling to Mecca for Hajj, spending time with family, and spreading dawah, and explain how you intend to expand your "range" as a Generalist (Conclusion chapter). Review "Range" chapters 7 and Conclusion for ideas. Apply a minimum of six characteristics of a generalist as it applies to your own evolving identities covered in this course by identifying them within your Autobiography. Use of first-person is allowed since this Autobiography paper is about you.

Essay should reveal the development of your diverse experiences and experimentation with your possible selves; it should convey an interdisciplinary blend of your personal voyage and projects, and demonstrate how all the areas or disciplines you are studying and have experimented with personally in your life's trajectory expands your "range".

Defining characteristics of a Generalist - Identify at least six defining characteristics of your generalist and explain both the context surrounding and defining experiences that shaped you.

Evolving Possible Selves - When did your identity shift to multiple perspectives and how did you flirt with your possible selves? What influenced those shifts, and with what effect(s)? How do the characteristics you've identified as a generalist apply to your evolving identities/selves covered in this course?

Vision Board - How and where does your essay illustrate your Vision Board and explain how you intend to expand your "range" as a Generalist? What particular projects and areas are you flirting with?

Here are some suggestions to use to help address the three areas above and to help you get some ideas on how to get started:

Symbolism - What elements do you use to symbolize your life's experiences and experimentations; why did you choose these elements; and what do they mean?

Life's path - What direction(s) does your path take, over what terrain, and through what systems and disciplines?

Terrain - Why have you chosen certain terrains for specific points during your life? Explain both the terrains along your path and the terrains not on your path. Why did you choose a life path that followed such territory?

Study areas - How does the essay integrate your areas of study and various disciplines? Where do we see the development of your interest in each area? How do they impact your life?

Undiscovered terrain - What lies in your projected future? Identify meaningful elements in this "undiscovered terrain" and explain their symbolic significance.

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