
What efforts occurred to include the public how was public


Attend two public meetings, one planning commission meeting one other. Many opportunities are out there. The Planning Commission meeting does not have to be SLC. All cities have planning commission meetings. The second meeting should be related to community development.

Write a critique of the meetings: 800 to 1200 words. Feel free to include graphics or other materials

Identify the specific meetings you attended.

Include date and location of the meeting. Purpose of the meeting

Attached the meeting agenda

Key questions to consider:

• As identified by IAP2 graphic what level of public involvement is occurring at the meetings?
• Review the staff report: What public involvement is occurring prior to the meetings?
• What efforts occurred to include the public?
• How was public input viewed?
• Were comments taken into account?
• How could the public more effectively be included in the meeting?
• What other mechanism were used to receive comments?
• Who attended the meeting? Community stakeholders or just affected parties?

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HR Management: What efforts occurred to include the public how was public
Reference No:- TGS02505893

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