What effects on a society in which mass deaths are minimized


1- Choose one modern religion and one ancient religion and describe their different approach to death. then, discuss the ways in which their attitudes, rituals, and other death practices exhibit some degree of similarity.

2- American attitudes toward death and dying have changed dramatically both after World War 1 and World War II. Describe the nature of these changes that followed each war What changes do you see at work in contemporary society that may further alter the way Americans understand death?

3- The hospice movement is uniquely supported by principles that have shaped American society including self-determinism and individualism. Explain. In your response discuss the advantages and disadvantages hospice system. What effect has the absorption of hospice American medical system and the health care industry had? As the American medical and pharmaceutical industries pour millions of dollars into medicines that prolong life, will the role of hospice also be sustained? Why or why not?

4- Elizabeth Kubler-Ross discussed the denial of death in negative terms and distinguished it from acceptance. How did her perception of denial differ from the cultural denial of death and from the ways in which denial is currently understood as a psychological process? Critique her approach from what we now know about the psychology of denial

5- With the exception of events such as Holocaust, which have been the subject of intentional efforts to create a sustained memory, mass death is frequently quickly forgotten. Advance some reasons suggesting why this is often the case, exploring patterns of denial for war, pandemics, and natural disasters. What are the effects on a society in which mass deaths are minimized or forgotten? Illustrate your answer with some examples.

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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