1. What is the central conflict? Who is the protagonist, and who is the antagonist?
2. Besides the central conflict, what other conflicts are apparent?How does Leroy's accident produce new conflicts in his marriage? What old conflicts have he and Norma Jean failed for resolve?
3. What is the point of view in this story?
4. What events in the story are presented out of sequence? Why?
5. What effect does Mabel have on Norma Jean? Why does Norma Jean hide her smoking from her mother?
6. What is the significance of Shiloh?
7. Why does Norma Jean decide to leave Leroy? Is she justified in leaving him?
8. What is the climax of the story, and what crises lead up to this climax?
9. How is the conflict resolved? Is the ending satisfying?
"The Lottery"
1. What is the setting of the story, and how would you describe the tone of the first four paragraphs?
2. Throughout the story there is a general atmosphere of excitement. What are some early indications of nervousness or apprehension? As you read, at what point did you realize what was ultimately going to happen?
3. What is the official reason for holding the lottery? Are the villagers still aware of the reasons? Is it significant that the lottery is not conducted as precisely as it once was?
4. What role do the children play in the ritual?
5. What are the various characters' attitudes toward the ritual?
6. Do you think the people in the village are evil? If they're not, what motivates them to commit what most people agree is an evil act?
7. One interpretation of "The Lottery" is that it is about a scapegoat. Why do you suppose the people of the village might need a scapegoat? Why do any people need a scapegoat?
8. How can a ritual like the lottery go on year after year? Why does no one move to end it?
9. What is the point of view? What's the effect of the pov on the story? How does the point of view effect the meaning of the story?
10. What does this story mean?