
What effect does immigration have on wages


The official Phase 4 DB assignment asks you to create an outline for your Phase 4 IP paper. Because I am changing the Phase 4 IP assignment, I must also make a change to the Phase 4 DB assignment. For your Phase 4 DB assignment, please do the following:
Read and comment on the following three articles concerning immigration that are posted in the Instructor Files section of the class homepage:

• Immigration - Myths and the Facts Behind the Fallacies
• Immigration and American Jobs
• Immigration and Its Contribution to Our Economic Strength

As I noted in the last chat, immigration is a very interesting topic and I am pretty sure that what you have heard about immigration in the press is only part of the complete story. My goal with this assignment is not to sway your opinion about immigration but instead to open your mind to different sides of the argument.

For your DB, merely share your thoughts about these articles. Some questions to focus on might be:

• How did they change or reinforce what you currently believe about immigration?
• How do these articles either support or refute what you hear and read about immigration in the press?
• What effect does immigration have on wages?
• Does immigration help or hurt a country's output?
• What are the advantages of immigration?
• What are the disadvantages of immigration?
• What are some of the current political and economic issues regarding immigration?
• What is the debate surrounding the Dream Act about? (To discuss this, you need to do a little research on the topic, but if you do, I guarantee that you will enjoy the learning).

You do not have to discuss all of these questions. Remember, this is a learning community. I want you to share your thoughts and ideas about these topics (after reading the articles) so that you can spur one another on to a higher level of critical thought.

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Microeconomics: What effect does immigration have on wages
Reference No:- TGS01859065

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