
What effect does culture have on sensing what are some

Analytical Research Paper Assignment

Your paper should be typed and formatted in APA or MLA format and include a work cited page or bibliography. It should be between 7-8 pages and include a minimum of 6 research sources (excluding the textbook). The assignment is worth 50 points.

Your paper should start with a research question you have about how concepts from the course are relevant to a specific societal issue. Coming up with a research question takes some time and thought. Without a good research question, it can be difficult to develop a good paper. If you need some guidance, please check out the resources available on Purdue OWL. Here is a link to the specific page that discusses analytical research papers.

You are encouraged to use your own insights, analysis, or perspective, but only after demonstrating a thorough knowledge of the literature. If your approach is entirely descriptive in nature, you probably will not receive an "A." Your task is to demonstrate that you have a solid grasp of the literature pertaining to the particular context you choose to analyze and should reflect your understanding of theories and concepts presented in the course content.

Your papers should demonstrate that you possess upper-division writing skills. Your writing should also display your thinking ability: the ability to understand theories, grasp complex concepts, and generate your own insights. Naturally, you should proofread your paper for grammatical and syntactical errors. You should pay proper homage to published authors by citing their works whenever you refer to their words, ideas, or data.

Sample Research Paper Ideas

I encourage you to choose a research question of your own based on what you find interesting and would like to explore in more depth. However, some of the discussion questions used in the class might work well as research questions if they have peeked your interest and you would like to research them further. You do not need to choose from this list. These are just some ideas to provide you with some guidance.

Discussion questions we have explored this semester:
What effect does culture have on sensing?
What are some possible consequences to China's continuing control of access to the internet?

OR you can build on one of the discussion questions we have explored:
How does the Saphir-Whorf Hypothesis influence perceptions of gender roles in the United States? (or you could choose a different culture)
How would an official language law change society in the United States?

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Other Subject: What effect does culture have on sensing what are some
Reference No:- TGS02504961

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