What effect did the changes have on politics


Michael Kimmel, Manhood in America: A Cultural History, Chapter 1: "The Birth of the Self-Made Man."

Your response should be a minimum 2 page, double spaced, file upload. A full credit paper will be well written, with correct spelling and grammar. It will be logically organized, with smooth prose. It will be cogently argued, ideally with evidence from your research to back it up. It will be analytical, deftly analyzing the assigned reading in relation to the prompt. Please become familiar with the rubric so you know what I am expecting. I also urge you to exceed the page minimum, don't be afraid to write more than 2 pages.


According to Michael Kimmel, how did the economic changes of the 19th century change notions of manhood and masculinity? What effect did these changes have on politics?

The response should include a reference list. Using double-space, Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: What effect did the changes have on politics
Reference No:- TGS03141030

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