
What education would you provide and explain your reasoning


Review the information for Valencia's Week 24 prenatal visit given in the course and complete the worksheet.
Valencia Prenatal Visit: BleedingSubjective information:

• What relevant subjective information do you have?
• What other subjective information would you want to gather?
• Objective information:
• What relevant objective information do you have?
• What other objective information would you want to gather?


What are your differential diagnoses? List them in order of what you believe to be the most important to consider. List no more than three.


You should consider each of the listed plan areas for each scenario. If you are going to discuss medications as part of treatment, you need to write them as a full prescription. This plan should not include theory or general information. It should be a specific plan that you would complete as her nurse practitioner. It should look like a plan in a chart and not like a paper about the topic.

The plan of care should include an assessment, diagnosis, diagnostic testing and why it is needed, pharmacologic treatment, non-pharmacologic treatment, education, referrals and follow-up.
Consider these prompts to complete the listed plan areas of the scenario.

i. What further assessment and/or diagnostic tests would you want to order? Explain your reasoning.
ii. What treatments would you want to order? Explain your reasoning.
iii. What education would you provide? Explain your reasoning.
iv. Would you make any referrals to other providers? Explain your reasoning.
v. What would her follow-up be? Explain your reasoning.

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Other Subject: What education would you provide and explain your reasoning
Reference No:- TGS03324963

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