
What education will need to be provided to amanda


Amanda Jones is 26 years old. She is being seen for her annual physical. Upon completing a depression scale, it is noted that she scored rather high (PHQ-9 score 22). Upon further questioning, she discloses to you that due to the stress of working and returning to graduate school, she is experiencing poor sleep and feeling anxious. Her mother suggested she see you for these symptoms in addition to feeling more irritable and isolating from normal social activities.

• As the FNP seeing Amanda, you decide to start Amanda on an SSRI, Fluoxetine (Prozac) 20 mg to start in addition to Lorazepam (Ativan) 0.5mg HS to help with sleep. What education will need to be provided to Amanda?

• When will you need to see Amanda again for re-evaluation?

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Reference No:- TGS03344519

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