
What dynamics account for number of queer and trans people


• The film The New Black is available for rent at Vudu, Amazon, GooglePlay, or iTunes.
• Kandaswamy, P. (2008). State austerity and the racial politics of same-sex marriage in the US. Sexualities, 11(6), 706-725.
• lgbt-criminal-justice-unjust.pdf (lgbtmap org)

Center for American Progress. (2016). Unjust: How the broken criminal justice system fails LGBT people of color.

• Bassichis, M., Lee, A., & Spade, D. (2011). Building an abolitionist trans and queer movement with everything we've got. Captive genders: Trans embodiment and the prison industrial complex, 15-40.

• Culture.Society.and.Sexuality.eBook-EEn (middlebury edu)

Rubin, G. S. (2002). Thinking sex: Notes for a radical theory of the politics of sexuality. In Culture, Society and Sexuality A Reader (pp. 143-178). Routledge.

Note: please directly reference (with in-text citations and also quotations) at least four of the texts we've encountered (work cited page).

I. How is sexuality "political"? Be sure to clearly define both "sexuality" and "political" in your answer. Give an example to help clarify and explain what your answer.

II. What dynamics account for the high number of queer and trans people of color caught up in the carceral system? Offer at least two explanations, supported with evidence.

III. Given the many ways our criminal justice system treats queer and trans people of color, what should be done to improve the situation?

IV. For what constituencies was the fight for legal same-sex marriage important? What were some limitations of this fight as a way to advance equality for gender and sexual minorities? Do you ultimately think it was an important battle? Why or why not?

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