What drove the embrace of constitutionalism

Assignment part I: Age of Revolutions

1. Why did complaints arise against absolutist monarchies and the institutional church?

2. What drove the embrace of constitutionalism?

3. Why were people inspired to found republics?

4. What were the motivating ideas of rights and egalitarianism?

5. What made the French Revolution so violent?

6. What was the "Terror" and the role of the guillotine in culture and government?

7. What made the Haitian Revolution more liberatory than the French Revolution?

8. Why was the Haitian Revolution so remarkable?

9. How did outcomes differ for Haiti?

Assignment part II: Industrial Revolution

1. What were the precursors to the Industrial Revolution?

2. Where did the Industrial Revolution begin, and what raw materials did it consume?

3. How did it fundamentally change human economic relations and consumption?

4. What were major changes to cities? Labor? Pollution? Cost of goods?

5. How did this event fundamentally change our world to the present?

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History: What drove the embrace of constitutionalism
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