
What drives the profit of netflix and what are the secrets

Question #1: Describe why Netflix's industry has been so profitable, describe how the competition impacts Netflix and the industry's profits, and how you think Netflix can sustain its profits in the wake of a changing world and marketplace. Do you see Netflix surviving another 25 years, and if so, will they be profitable (be sure to explain why)? Address the issue of technology, in light of the rapid changes in technology seen in today's marketplace. What drives the profit of Netflix, and what are the secrets to its success these past 20 years?

Question #2: Based on your experience, education  and knowledge, how would you best incorporate the following concepts into your view of how to get the best performance out of an organization: Intellectual Property Rights, Value chain, Transaction Cost Economics, Vertical Integration, Environmental Determinism, Business-level Strategies, and Generic Strategies.

Question #3: topic is Managing Firm Resources, and describe what YOU think about the internal analysis of an organization. Do you feel RBV (Resource-Based View) is a better way to evaluate a firm's strategic positioning and potential, or would you argue for other perspective paradigms/models to do so, and explain?     Do you feel RBV is an effective tool to better manage a firm (navigate the ever changing and turbulent waters of an increasingly competitive marketplace)? Explain why and use personal examples/experience if you can. 

Question #4: Topic Business-Level Strategy, explain the different generic strategies. Most importantly, explain which of the generic strategies you feel is the best (most profit potential - or choose another metric). There is often student confusion over the different levels of strategy: (1) functional level, (2) business level, and (3) corporate level. Functional refers to functional areas such as R&D, Production, Finance, Accounting, etc. Business level strategy refers to the single firm, and this is what is discussed in Chapter 5. Corporate level strategy refers to the strategy of an organization that owns MULTIPLE businesses. It is critical to align your strategies across all levels. You might choose to discuss why this is important.

Question #5: your opinion about  understanding business and strategic management (relevant/important)?

Question #6:1) what is our winning aspiration, (b) where to play, (3) how to win where you are playing, (4) what capabilities must be in place to win, and (5) what management systems are required to win and be sustainable? Do you agree with the authors that these five questions capture the essence of strategy? Do you feel Netflix has answered and implemented these five questions appropriately? Explain why or why not.

Question #7: This is a "connect-the-dots" overarching question. Between overview of Strategic management and how it is often thought to more of an art than a science. the importantance of leadership and the CEO. a company's external environment, internal aspects of the firm. strategies at the business level. On the basis of these 5 topics, and your own personal experience/education, synthesize the aforementioned material into an explanation as to the value of Strategic Management in an organization. (connecting the dots (forming conceptual interconnections into a meaningful, insightful, and useful model).

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Business Management: What drives the profit of netflix and what are the secrets
Reference No:- TGS02495753

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