What dosage will the np prescribe

Problem: Five-year-old Samantha presents to the office with a complaint of a sore throat for 2 days. She is accompanied by her mother, Michelle. She has had an intermittent fever and her maximum temperature at home was 101° F (oral). Samantha complains that she has pain when she swallows. She also complains of a headache. Both the throat pain and headache are relieved slightly with the use of over-the-counter pain relievers. Samantha has had no vomiting or diarrhea. She has had no runny nose or cough. She denies drooling or difficulty breathing. On exam she has exudative pharyngitis and anterior lymphadenopathy. Her rapid strep test is positive. She is allergic to PCN. 

If the medication ordered should be 12 mg/kg/on day 1 followed by 6 mg/kg/dose daily for 4 more days. Samantha weighs 40 lbs. The suspension is 200mg/5 mL. What dosage will the NP prescribe?

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Other Subject: What dosage will the np prescribe
Reference No:- TGS03366512

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