
What does winthrop mean by charity

Assignment task: The document A Model of Christian Charity illustrates the thoughts and views of the author, John Winthrop, Puritan minister and later elected governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony. Read the document and address the following questions.

In your responses to the following questions, you are to pull 4-5 in-text citations from the readings by the various authors.  Students may also cite from the textbook in addition to the other sources in this lesson. Please reference the attached rubric for how you are graded.


Q1) What does Winthrop mean by "charity"?

Q2) How does this principle of charity relate to his understanding of the way that God has "disposed of the condition of mankind" so that "some must be rich, some poor, some high," etc.? 

Q3) In what ways is the principle of charity intended to shape the new political community?

Q4) What does Winthrop mean when he states that "For we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us." Would you say that America has maintained it's status as a 'city upon a hill'? How so or why not?

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