
What does this phrase mean how does it fit into the story


Great Roman Empire grew to be an unprecedented society that furthered almost every aspect of human achievements. Or did it?

For sure, it was the greatest and most advanced military power the human race has ever put together. It became the strongest economical power, and most noticeably: technologically, it was by far the most advanced society the world has ever seen. Romans built cities that had almost everything we have today, and accomplished all that with the most ingenious engineering advances that utilized the technologies they developed and had at hand, and also taking advantage of their enormous wealth and slave power that made everything work. Huge imperium always had strong had to rule it, and was focused on practical and pragmatic approaches that kept everything working. ??When it came to arts, philosophy, architectural styles, they recognized and fully appreciated the brilliance and values of their Greek predecessors and copied from them these aspects of society without changing or developing them much further. Instead they adjusted them for the purposes of their lifestyle and needs. The Classical appearance, hence embellished and marked this great empire. However, when it comes to the preservation of of true Classical values in such huge machine-like society, well, you judge for yourselves...


You have found the meaning of the phrase "PANEM ET CIRCENSES". In a few sentences explain how this "approach" functioned in Roman Empire. Do you think it was a necessary and smart way to keep control of such a huge empire that did not only have outside enemies, but also more than 50 million people to rule?? ?Then answer this question: Do you think that we can still find "panem et circences" ideology used somewhere in the present day world? If no, explain why it is not applicable today. If yes, say where we can see it and explain how it works.




S • P • Q • R

What do these letters stand for? What does it mean and signify? Is this abbreviation still used somewhere today?



What does this phrase mean? How does it fit into the story of the great Roman Imperium?

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History: What does this phrase mean how does it fit into the story
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