
What does this effective value for the nuclear charge

Consider a lithium atom, two of its electrons are in the 1sshell, and the third is in the 2s shell,1- Consider the lithium atom using the Bohr model, Supposethat the two 1s electrons lie completely beneath the outermostelectron. We might expect that the outermost electron would see anucleous (with Z=3), whith its positive charge partailly cancelledby the two lower lying electrons. In the Bohr model, what is theionization energy of an electron in a 2s orbital, with an effectiveZ (nuclear charge) value of 1( i.e 3 protons minus two electrons)?2- The actual experimental ionization energy of a lithium atomis 520. kj/mol . How much is this energy on a per atom basis?3- Your answer in 2 should be significantly larger than youranswer for

1. Now relax the assumption that Z=1, Keeping the restof the model the same (Bohr model, n=2 ), what z=valueof Z is required to be consistent with the experimental ionizationenergy What does this effective value for the nuclear charge tell you qualitatively about what is wrong with our crude model oflithium in question 1

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Chemistry: What does this effective value for the nuclear charge
Reference No:- TGS0745986

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