
What does the winning party receive from the appeals court


Jade sued Kim. Jade testified under oath that Kim promised to hire her as an in-store model for $1,000 per week for eight weeks and that she had worked for four weeks and was not paid. Kim denied making the promise and claimed that she was not aware that Jade was in the store modeling clothes. The jury was persuaded by Kim's testimony and rendered a judgment in favor of Kim.

Jade appealed and offers to the appeals court to have:

• Steve testify that he heard Kim make the offer to hire Jade as she testified in the trial, and
• to have Roxanne testify that she witnessed Jade modeling clothes and talking with customers in the store about the outfits she was modeling .

a) Who wins on appeal?
b) Why?
c) What does the winning party receive from the appeals court?

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Business Law and Ethics: What does the winning party receive from the appeals court
Reference No:- TGS03231692

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