Presentation and Interpretation of Results
1) Write the regression (prediction) equation:
Dep_Var = Intercept + c1 * Ind_Var_1 + c2 * Ind_Var_2 + c3 * Ind_Var_3
2) Identify and interpret the adjusted R2 (one paragraph):
< Define "adjusted R2."
< What does the value of the adjusted R2 reveal about the model?
< If the adjusted R2 is low, how has the choice of independent variables created this result?
3) Identify and interpret the F test (one paragraph):
< Using the p-value approach, is the null hypothesis for the F test rejected or not rejected? Why or why not?
< Interpret the implications of these findings for the model.
4) Identify and interpret the t tests for each of the coefficients (one separate paragraph for each variable, in numerical order):
< Are the signs of the coefficients as expected? If not, why not?
< For each of the coefficients, interpret the numerical value.
< Using the p-value approach, is the null hypothesis for the t test rejected or not rejected for each coefficient? Why or why not?
< Interpret the implications of these findings for the variable.
< Identify the variable with the greatest significance.
5) Analyze multicollinearity of the independent variables (one paragraph):
< Generate the correlation matrix.
< Define multicollinearity.
< Are any of the independent variables highly correlated with each other? If so, identify the variables and explain why they are correlated.