
What does the storm represent how does it combine with

1. What is the role of women in this play? Two of King Lear's daughters, Regan and Goneril, are essentially indistinguishable from one another. They are both entirely evil and self-serving, looking out solely for their own interests. The contrast of these two is Cordelia, who is beautiful, pure, and honest. How do this two different types of female characters function in the play? What is the final fate for all 3?

2. Discuss the themes of madness and blindness in the play. There is the figurative blindness of King Lear, when he cannot see that Cordelia loves him most and is to be trusted, and Gloucester's blindness that Edmund is betraying him and Edgar is his good son. Then there is the literal blindness Gloucester experiences when his eyes are gouged out, after which he can "see" who is real virtuous son is. Lear sees who his true child is after going mad. Compare and contrast these two transitions that both characters undergo.

3. What does the storm represent? How does it combine with Lear's madness to change his character? How has his character changed by the end of the play?

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Dissertation: What does the storm represent how does it combine with
Reference No:- TGS01258519

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