
What does the quotation or paraphrase remind you of


Research Log Entry Six

Source title: Fatal Police Shootings Among Black Americans Remain High, Unchanged Since 2015

Source author(s):

Source type and location: News Article

Quotation I: "The rate of fatal police shootings of unarmed black and Native American people in the U.S. was more than three times as high as it was among white people during this period, prompting the researchers to describe U.S. police brutality as a public health emergency."

Response and/or reflections:

i. What is significant about this information?
ii. What does this quotation or paraphrase remind you of?
iii. In what way is this aligned with what other source authors have said?
iv. In what way is this different from what other source authors have said?

Quotation II: "Using these data, the research team measured changes in fatal police shootings based on race and also calculated the death rate and total years of life lost (YLL) from these encounters, which is estimated based on the difference between the life expectancy for the U.S. citizens in the victim's birth year and their age of death"

Response and/or reflections:

i. What is significant about this information?
ii. What does this quotation or paraphrase remind you of?
iii. In what way is this aligned with what other source authors have said?
iv. In what way is this different from what other source authors have said?

Quotation III: "Black Americans makeup only 14% of the U.S., showing the disproportionate impact of police killings on this population."

Response and/or reflections:

i. What is significant about this information?
ii. What does this quotation or paraphrase remind you of?
iii. In what way is this aligned with what other source authors have said?
iv. In what way is this different from what other source authors have said?

Quotation III: "We're just beginning to scratch the surface of how fatal police shootings are a collective trauma, how this affects individuals, and what it does to their health."

Response and/or reflections:

i. What is significant about this information?
ii. What does this quotation or paraphrase remind you of?
iii. In what way is this aligned with what other source authors have said?
iv. In what way is this different from what other source authors have said?

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English: What does the quotation or paraphrase remind you of
Reference No:- TGS03299538

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