
What does the p/e ratio mean for each company

The below website is one of many options for you to find current market price and dividend information about a company.Using the information from the financial statements for each company, determine what types of stock this company issues. How many shares of each class of stock have they issued? Have they bought back any treasury stock? Using the information from the financial statements for each company, calculate the earnings per share. Discuss how the EPS differs between the two companies and what the difference means?

Using the information from the financial statements for each company, and information about the current stock price of the company, calculate the price earnings ratio. What does the P/E ratio mean for each company and its investors? Using current information on the market price of the company and dividends paid out by the company, calculate the dividend yield and explain what this means for each company and its investors?

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Accounting Basics: What does the p/e ratio mean for each company
Reference No:- TGS0670983

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