
What does the ministers black veil share in common with

Nathaniel Hawthorne

answer any 3 questions below:

1. Consider that any of these Hawthorne stories do not have neat, easily-recognized morals or lessons. Consider for a moment that Hawthorne instead might be commenting upon human nature with these stories. What is Hawthorne saying about human nature or about sin in any one of the stories for this week? Just think hard, talk with your classmates and go for it.

2. You are Young Goodman's Brown's Defense Attorney. It is your job to find evidence in his story that proves that he is a hero. This evidence can be a passage that you quote, or it can be a detail that you interpret. Help defend Brown's reputation.

3. You are a prosecuting attorney and you are out to bust Young Goodman Brown for consorting with the devil. It is your job to find evidence in his story that proves that Brown is a villian. This evidence can be a passage that you quote, or it can be a detail that you interpret. Help destroy Brown's reputation.

4. What does "The Birthmark" share in common with "Young Goodman Brown"? How is it different?

5. What does "The Minister's Black Veil" share in common with either "Young Goodman Brown" or "The Birth Mark? How is it different?

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