1- Read the privacy policy of a large, popular website. Write a brief summary. Identify the site (name, web address, type of site ). Give example of parts of the policy that are, or are not ,clear or reasonable.
2- Find out whether your country restricts access to any website from its computer system. what is its for determining which sites to restrict? what do you think of policy.
3- Read a license agreement for a software product. It could be a game, operating system, video editor, tax preparation program, and so on
-What does the license agreement say about the number of copies you can make
-Does it specify penalties for making unauthorized copies?
-Was the agreement easy to read before purchase (e.g., on the outside of the package or avaiable on website)
-Do you consider the license agreement to be clearly stated? reasonable?
4- Read the member agreement or policy statmentsos a website that hosts user video .Give the name and web address of the site you chose , and brifly describe it if it is not a well-know site. What does its statement say about posting files that contain or use works of other without authorization ?
5- Find a use of biometrics in your city. Describe the application and its benefits and risk.