
What does the following code segment output how many times


1. What does the following code segment output?

x = y = z = 1 ; print(x+y//z)

2. What does the following code segment output?

x , y = 1 , 2j ; print(x+y)

3. From my dictionary, "homogeneous: composedofpartsorelementsthatareallofthesamekind." T or F? A Python "list" data structure must be homogeneous.

4. What does the following code segment output?

x = 3
while ( x != 0 ) :
print(x) ;x -= 1
if ( x == 2 ) : pass
if ( x == 1 ) : continue
if ( x == 0 ) : break
else :

5. T or F? The equal sign token= used in the Python assignment-statement is a Python operator.

6. How many bits are used to represent an object with the int Python data type? Hint Consider your answer to Question 19-20 below!?

7. What does the following code segment output?

x = 1 ; y = 2 ; print("{}".format(x-y if x < y else y-x))

8. What version of Python should you be using? ______

9. T or F? Python suffers from the dangling-else problem.

10. T or F? Python supports a switch-statement.

11. What does the following code segment output? __________

x = 1 ; y = 1.5 ; z = 2; print((x < y < z) is True)

12. What does the following code segment output?

for x in range(3) :
print(x) ;
if ( x == 2 ) : break
if ( x == 1 ) : continue
if ( x == 0 ) : pass
else :
print(x) ; print(x)

13. Based on Elementary Problem #4: How many times will the following for-statement execute when solution is executed with the following command line? ______

E:\COURSES\CS4375CS6375\TOPICPythonProgramming\Code>py E4.py 1 2 3

for i in range(1,len(sys.argv)) :
n = int(sys.argv[i])
...rest of the loop body

What does the following code segment output? ____________

print("sys.argv[0] = ",sys.argv[0])

14. What does the following code segment output for R = 2, C = 3?

D2D = {}
D2D["R"] = R
D2D["C"] = C
for r in range(1,R+1) :
for c in range(1,C+1) :
D2D[(r,c)] = r+c
print("D2D = ",D2D)

15-17. (Continuing 14) Use a Python "dictionary" data structure as a multi-dimensional array: Consider, D2D is a Python "dictionary" with (1) 2-tuples as keys (the array indices) and integers as values (the array elements); (2) D2D["R"] is a metadatum containing the upper-bound of the rows index range (lower-bound is fixed at 1); and (3) D2D["C"] is a metadatum containing the upper-bound of the columns index range (lower-bound is fixed at 1). Complete development of the function SumsOfRows() that returns a tuple that contains the sums of the values stored in each row of the "2-dimensional array" D2D.

defSumsOfRows(D2D) :

18-20. Based on Elementary Problem #73: Instrument the following # arbitrary code segment by writing all the Python code needed to measure the number of seconds elapsed during # arbitrary code segment execution.

# arbitrary code segment
21- Write a Python program to compute then print 100!, the number of digits in 100!, and the number of 0s at the end of 100!? For example, 10! = 3628800 contains 7 digits and ends with 20s. Hint the built-in function endswith() was very useful.

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Computer Engineering: What does the following code segment output how many times
Reference No:- TGS02672119

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